Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Have a Break, Have Some Cadbury Chocolates!

Chocolates anyone? Yeah, I know it's Wednesday and what am I posting??? Snacks!!! Come on people, it's snacks time~!!! Woohoo...LOL. So sorry that I got totally carried away. Was watching "28 Weeks Later" few days ago, and I found it to be a "yummylicious" movie..if you guys know what I meant. Thinking about yummy, I decided that I wanted to post some chocolates. (Hmm, don't sound like making sense don't they?)

I bought 5 packets of mini Cadbury chocolates when there were people at my college doing promotion about it. At first I was thinking about which one should I get. There was a lady who offered us some samples of these chocolates. I tried a few and they were all yummy~ Being a chocolate person, I was thinking...getting each packet of these chocolates from the Cadbury promo isn't very much isn't it? After all, it's only 5 small packets of mini chocolates in total. :P

The first will be the Cadbury's Sesame Chocettes. I was actually very curious about the combination of the "two main characters". With sesame partnering with chocolates, I find it quite special. The sweetness of the chocolates combines well with the aromatic sesame seeds. If you're a sesame person, do give it a try.

Ok, here comes my favourite one...Cadbury's TimeOut Chocettes. The light wafer with smooth milky chocolates just melts in my mouth~ :)

Another favourite of mine was the Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocettes. The outer layers of the crispy shells were soo crispy while the inner of the milky chocolates just makes me go yumm yumm.

For those who love caramel, do try this one. Cadbury's Picnic Chocettes contains some peanuts, wafer, cereal, and caramel. It's nice crunching down cereal, wafer together with peanuts and just enough caramel to make it sticky. I just love caramel...very aromatic. Yummy~

Last but not least, Cadbury's P-Nutz Chocettes. This is for peanuts lover. Contains full of peanuts pieces with a little touch of caramel. I find this to be okay. Nothing much to write about it. Keke...

Haha, well...
I better continue with my revision for my upcoming exam. (I am sick with sorethroat and cough) So do take care everyone and have a nice day!


"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

yummm chocolates!..i think its 28 weeks later?

Iced Nyior said...

personally i love the Picnic ones. take care of your health. More water and less choccies for you till ur throat gets better. Get well soon!

tankiasu said...

There is no need to study anymore girl. Just turn to a professional food blogger! ;)

MeiyeN said...

omg, they are all my favourite!!!!!!!!!!!!! yummmmmm yummy! haven't watch "28 weeks later" and i think this movie no longer in da cinemas :(

Unknown said...

Chocolicious! I luv Time Out and Dairy Milk the best! Gosh~I wont be able to sleep tonight. I'll be dreaming of chocolates...Who knows I'll sleep walk to the fridge and munch on my chocolate bar.

Anonymous said...

hi there. i've been stalking food blogs a lot lately and i really like yours. the chocolate looks REALLY good! lol.

cookies_cream said...

"joe".wicc - LOL, thanks joe! Noted and edited the post.

iced nyior - Thanks for the concern! ;)

tankiasu - Hey, how you know what's on my mind??? I really want to become a full time food blogger or some food editor for some mags...hahaha. But got such thing as full time food blogger? Got course or not? Then I can be a pro..LOL

meiyen - Only Times Square got when I watched "28 weeks later" and there's only 11.15 show. Not sure if now still got or not.

Shirley Khor - Yeah! I love TimeOut and Dairy Milk! Haha...I just visited your blog..I wanna try out the Jap curry too! Gonna get some from the supermarket soon. (Again, after I'm recover..Aikkss)

jackson - you're one of them huh, just like my friends. Sometime when I'm in bad mood I'll think of chocolates too, but when I'm craving for something sweet at home I'll go for chocolates also.

meng yen - Thanks for dropping by! Hope you enjoy your stay here. ;)

cookies_cream said...

meiyen - Oppsy, it's 11.15am for your info. :) You can check out cinemaonline's site or GSC's site and see if the movie is still on. ;)

Anonymous said...

i like the peanut choco. Must control if not my waistline will expand drastically :(

Unknown said...

Try it...U'll love it. I think u get it from any Japanese grocery stores or big supermarkets :)

Tell me what u think aft u try the curry ;)

Anonymous said...

hey gal..

everytime visit ur blog makes me hungry larr. i missed all the foods ler since i'm so far here in melb. canot hav all those here. got oso not as nice as back home... sob sob.. anyway.. ur latest post.. CHOCS!! i lurveee chocs.. i'm gaining weight bcoz of that... must diet d. haha.. anyways, keep on update us with all d nice foods ya. n bring me to those nice restaurants if possible since u've been to so many nice places for foods. lol. take k..!

Anonymous said...

Gimme with hazelnut :P