Wow~ I've been tagged for the first time. This is fun~! :) I've been tagged by the cute and nice lady, Mei Yen. =}
There are rules to be followed:
Okay, what are the 7 songs that I've been listening these days? (Gosh, I'm listening to soo many songs everyday.) @_@ The songs that I pick can be of any genre, with or without lyrics. Haha, and the most important thing is I won't get bored of these songs? These are the rules. Okay, let's get the party started~!
The 7 songs that I love to listen to are:
1) Kelly Clarkson - Walk Away
Walk Away Lyric
8) ...Opssy, I couldn't control myself. Sorry. :P
Okay, so now I'll need to tag 7 other people?
Hmm, let's see...okay. The 7 are:
1) Life of A Food Lover (Joan Chew)
2) Tummythoz (Tummythoz)
3) The Perspective (Elrohir Telperien)
4) PabloPabla's Whatever (PabloPabla)
5) Eat First Think Later (Teckiee)
6) Living in Food Heaven (Jackson)
7) (KY)